- 49,731 个结果中的 11,500 - 11,750 个
Estimating the health impact of air pollution in Scotland, and the resulting benefits of reducing concentrations in city centres
Lee, D., Robertson, C., Ramsay, C., Gillespie, C. & Napier, G., 6月 2019, 在: Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology. 29, 页码 85-96 12 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
16 引用 (Scopus) -
Estimating the relative fitness of escaped farmed salmon offspring in the wild and modelling the consequences of invasion for wild populations
Sylvester, E. V. A., Wringe, B. F., Duffy, S. J., Hamilton, L. C., Fleming, I. A., Castellani, M., Bentzen, P. & Bradbury, I. R., 4月 2019, 在: Evolutionary Applications. 12, 4, 页码 705-717 13 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问37 引用 (Scopus) -
Estimation of daily selenium intake by 3- to 5-year-old Japanese children based on selenium excretion in 24-h urine samples
Nakamura, Y., Fukushima, M., Hoshi, S., Chatt, A. & Sakata, T., 2019, (待刊) 在: Journal of Nutritional Science.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问3 引用 (Scopus) -
Ethanol production by syngas fermentation in a continuous stirred tank bioreactor using Clostridium ljungdahlii
Acharya, B., Dutta, A. & Basu, P., 3月 4 2019, 在: Biofuels. 10, 2, 页码 221-237 17 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
22 引用 (Scopus) -
Evaluating brassica napus and brassica juncea meals with supplemental enzymes for use in brown-egg laying hen diets: Production performance and egg quality factors
Savary, R. K., Macisaac, J. L., Rathgeber, B. M., McLean, N. L. & Anderson, D. M., 2019, 在: Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 99, 4, 页码 820-832 13 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
2 引用 (Scopus) -
Evaluating ecosystem model complexity for the northwest North Atlantic through surrogate-based optimization
Kuhn, A. M. & Fennel, K., 10月 2019, 在: Ocean Modelling. 142, 101437.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
14 引用 (Scopus) -
Evaluating Sentiment C1assifiers for Bitcoin Tweets in Price Prediction Task
Balfagih, A. M. & Keselj, V., 12月 2019, Proceedings - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2019. Baru, C., Huan, J., Khan, L., Hu, X. T., Ak, R., Tian, Y., Barga, R., Zaniolo, C., Lee, K. & Ye, Y. F. (编辑). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 页码 5499-5506 8 页码 9006140. (Proceedings - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2019).科研成果: 图书/报告稿件的类型 › 会议稿件
17 引用 (Scopus) -
Evaluating the Effect of a 14-Day Course of Domperidone on Breast Milk Production: A Per-Protocol Analysis from the EMPOWER Trial
EMPOWER Study Collaborative Group, 3月 2019, 在: Breastfeeding Medicine. 14, 2, 页码 102-107 6 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
3 引用 (Scopus) -
Evaluating the feasibility and impact of a yoga intervention on cognition, physical function, physical activity, and affective outcomes in people living with HIV: Protocol for a randomized pilot trial
Quigley, A., O'Brien, K. K., Brouillette, M. J. & MacKay-Lyons, M., 5月 2019, 在: JMIR Research Protocols. 8, 5, e13818.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问3 引用 (Scopus) -
Evaluating the potential of a novel anaerobic baffled reactor for anaerobic digestion of thin stillage: Effect of organic loading rate, hydraulic retention time and recycle ratio
Sayedin, F., Kermanshahi-pour, A. & He, Q. S., 5月 2019, 在: Renewable Energy. 135, 页码 975-983 9 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
25 引用 (Scopus) -
Evaluating the Properties of a Frailty Index and Its Association With Mortality Risk Among Patients With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Rockwood, K. & Andreou, P., 8月 2019, 在: Arthritis and Rheumatology. 71, 8, 页码 1297-1307 11 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
35 引用 (Scopus) -
Evaluating the utility of elemental measurements obtained from factory-calibrated field-portable X-Ray fluorescence units for aquatic sediments
Dunnington, D. W., Spooner, I. S., Mallory, M. L., White, C. E. & Gagnon, G. A., 6月 2019, 在: Environmental Pollution. 249, 页码 45-53 9 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问12 引用 (Scopus) -
Évaluation des besoins et mise au point d’une application mobile périopératoire centrée sur la patiente accouchant par césarienne
Ke, J. X. C., George, R. B., Wozney, L. & Chorney, J. L., 10月 15 2019, 在: Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia. 66, 10, 页码 1194-1201 8 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问5 引用 (Scopus) -
Evaluation of a method to indirectly adjust for unmeasured covariates in the association between fine particulate matter and mortality
Erickson, A. C., Brauer, M., Christidis, T., Pinault, L., Crouse, D. L., van Donkelaar, A., Weichenthal, S., Pappin, A., Tjepkema, M., Martin, R. V., Brook, J. R., Hystad, P. & Burnett, R. T., 8月 2019, 在: Environmental Research. 175, 页码 108-116 9 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
13 引用 (Scopus) -
Evaluation of antioxidant, antidiabetic and antiobesity potential of selected traditional medicinal plants
Sekhon-Loodu, S. & Rupasinghe, H. P. V., 4月 25 2019, 在: Frontiers in Nutrition. 6, 53.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问120 引用 (Scopus) -
Evaluation of broadcast and spot herbicide applications for narrowleaf goldenrod [Euthamia graminifolia (L.) Nutt.] management in lowbush blueberry
Farooq, M. H., Zaman, Q. U., Boyd, N. S. & White, S. N., 10月 1 2019, 在: Weed Technology. 33, 5, 页码 739-747 9 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
7 引用 (Scopus) -
Evaluation of DualEM-II sensor for soil moisture content estimation in the potato fields of Atlantic Canada
Farooque, A. A., Zare, M., Abbas, F., Zaman, Q., Bos, M., Esau, T., Acharya, B. & Schumann, A. W., 2019, 在: Plant, Soil and Environment. 65, 6, 页码 290-297 8 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问6 引用 (Scopus) -
Evaluation of foramsulfuron for poverty oat grass [danthonia spicata (L.) P. Beauv. ex roem. & schult.] and rough bentgrass (agrostis scabra willd.) management in lowbush blueberry (vaccinium angustifolium ait.)
White, S. N. & Zhang, L., 2019, 在: Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 99, 6, 页码 942-954 13 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问5 引用 (Scopus) -
Evaluation of herbicides for hair fescue (Festuca filiformis) management and potential seedbank reduction in lowbush blueberry
White, S. N., 12月 1 2019, 在: Weed Technology. 33, 6, 页码 840-846 7 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
15 引用 (Scopus) -
Evaluation of Maternal Exposure to PM2.5 and Its Components on Maternal and Neonatal Thyroid Function and Birth Weight: A Cohort Study
Wang, X., Liu, C., Zhang, M., Han, Y., Aase, H., Villanger, G. D., Myhre, O., Donkelaar, A. V., Martin, R. V., Baines, E. A., Chen, R., Kan, H. & Xia, Y., 8月 2019, 在: Thyroid. 29, 8, 页码 1147-1157 11 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
58 引用 (Scopus) -
Evaluation of mobile apps targeted to parents of infants in the neonatal intensive care unit: Systematic app review
Richardson, B., Dol, J., Rutledge, K., Monaghan, J., Orovec, A., Howie, K., Boates, T., Smit, M. & Campbell-Yeo, M., 4月 2019, 在: JMIR mHealth and uHealth. 7, 4, e11620.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问57 引用 (Scopus) -
Evaluation of nonidentical versus identical twin approaches for observation impact assessments: an ensemble-Kalman-filter-based ocean assimilation application for the Gulf of Mexico
Yu, L., Fennel, K., Wang, B., Laurent, A., Thompson, K. R. & Shay, L. K., 12月 20 2019, 在: Ocean Science. 15, 6, 页码 1801-1814 14 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问14 引用 (Scopus) -
Evaluation of random forest and ensemble methods at predicting complications following cardiac surgery
Lapp, L., Bouamrane, M. M., Kavanagh, K., Roper, M., Young, D. & Schraag, S., 2019, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine - 17th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2019, Proceedings. Riaño, D., Wilk, S. & ten Teije, A. (编辑). Springer Verlag, 页码 376-385 10 页码 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); 卷 11526 LNAI).科研成果: 图书/报告稿件的类型 › 会议稿件
9 引用 (Scopus) -
Evaluation of transfer learning techniques for classification and localization of marine animals
Singh, P. & Seto, M., 2019, VISIGRAPP 2019 - Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. Kerren, A., Hurter, C. & Braz, J. (编辑). SciTePress, 页码 169-176 8 页码 (VISIGRAPP 2019 - Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications; 卷 4).科研成果: 图书/报告稿件的类型 › 会议稿件
开放访问 -
Evaluation of two frailty indices, with practical application in a vaccine clinical trial
Curran, D., Andrew, M. K., Levin, M. J., Turriani, E., Matthews, S., Fogarty, C., Klein, N. P., Grupping, K., Oostvogels, L. & Schmader, K. E., 12月 2 2019, 在: Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics. 15, 12, 页码 2960-2968 9 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问8 引用 (Scopus) -
Evaluation of Unsteady Wave Influence on Tidal Stream and Mitigation Strategy
Fituri, A., Aly, H. H. H. & El-Hawary, M. E., 5月 2019, 2019 IEEE Canadian Conference of Electrical and Computer Engineering, CCECE 2019. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 8861931. (2019 IEEE Canadian Conference of Electrical and Computer Engineering, CCECE 2019).科研成果: 图书/报告稿件的类型 › 会议稿件
Evaluation procedures for forecasting with spatio-temporal data
Oliveira, M., Torgo, L. & Santos Costa, V., 2019, Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - European Conference, ECML PKDD 2018, Proceedings. Bonchi, F., Gärtner, T., Hurley, N., Ifrim, G. & Berlingerio, M. (编辑). Springer Verlag, 页码 703-718 16 页码 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); 卷 11051 LNAI).科研成果: 图书/报告稿件的类型 › 会议稿件
6 引用 (Scopus) -
Evidence-based Sterility: The Evolving Role of Field Sterility in Skin and Minor Hand Surgery
Yu, J., Ji, T. A., Craig, M., McKee, D. & Lalonde, D. H., 2019, 在: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open. 7, 11, 2481.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问47 引用 (Scopus) -
Evidence Collection and Evaluation for the Development of Dietary Guidelines and Public Policy on Nutrition
Zeraatkar, D., Johnston, B. C. & Guyatt, G., 8月 21 2019, 在: Annual Review of Nutrition. 39, 页码 227-247 21 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文献综述 › 同行评审
27 引用 (Scopus) -
Evidence for age-related changes in sensorimotor neuromagnetic responses during cued button pressing in a large open-access dataset
CamCAN Group, 6月 2019, 在: NeuroImage. 193, 页码 25-34 10 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Evidence for contemporary and historical gene flow between guppy populations in different watersheds, with a test for associations with adaptive traits
Blondel, L., Baillie, L., Quinton, J., Alemu, J. B., Paterson, I., Hendry, A. P. & Bentzen, P., 4月 2019, 在: Ecology and Evolution. 9, 8, 页码 4504-4517 14 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问15 引用 (Scopus) -
Evidence for fire in the pliocene arctic in response to amplified temperature
Fletcher, T. L., Warden, L., Damsté, J. S. S., Brown, K. J., Rybczynski, N., Gosse, J. C. & Ballantyne, A. P., 6月 19 2019, 在: Climate of the Past. 15, 3, 页码 1063-1081 19 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问22 引用 (Scopus) -
Evidence for spatial coherence in time trends of marine life history traits of Atlantic salmon in the North Atlantic
Olmos, M., Massiot-Granier, F., Prévost, E., Chaput, G., Bradbury, I. R., Nevoux, M. & Rivot, E., 3月 1 2019, 在: Fish and Fisheries. 20, 2, 页码 322-342 21 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
44 引用 (Scopus) -
Evidence for the production of three massive vector bosons with the ATLAS detector
The ATLAS collaboration, 11月 10 2019, 在: Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 798, 134913.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问24 引用 (Scopus) -
Evolution: New Protist Predators under the Sun
Colp, M. J. & Archibald, J. M., 10月 7 2019, 在: Current Biology. 29, 19, 页码 R936-R938科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 短篇评述 › 同行评审
开放访问1 引用 (Scopus) -
Evolution and Impact of Thrombocytopenia in Septic Shock: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Menard, C. E., Kumar, A., Houston, D. S., Turgeon, A. F., Rimmer, E., Houston, B. L., Doucette, S. & Zarychanski, R., 2019, 在: Critical Care Medicine. 47, 4, 页码 558-565 8 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
44 引用 (Scopus) -
Evolutionary impacts differ between two exploited populations of northern bottlenose whale (Hyperoodon ampullatus)
Feyrer, L. J., Bentzen, P., Whitehead, H., Paterson, I. G. & Einfeldt, A., 12月 1 2019, 在: Ecology and Evolution. 9, 23, 页码 13567-13584 18 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问9 引用 (Scopus) -
Evolving and sustaining ocean best practices and standards for the next decade
Pearlman, J., Bushnell, M., Coppola, L., Karstensen, J., Buttigieg, P. L., Pearlman, F., Simpson, P., Barbier, M., Muller-Karger, F. E., Munoz-Mas, C., Pissierssens, P., Chandler, C., Hermes, J., Heslop, E., Jenkyns, R., Achterberg, E. P., Bensi, M., Bittig, H. C., Blandin, J. & Bosch, J. 以及 40其他, , 2019, 在: Frontiers in Marine Science. 6, JUN, 277.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文献综述 › 同行评审
开放访问88 引用 (Scopus) -
Evolving dota 2 shadow fiend bots using genetic programming with external memory
Smith, R. J. & Heywood, M. I., 7月 13 2019, GECCO 2019 - Proceedings of the 2019 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, 页码 179-187 9 页码 (GECCO 2019 - Proceedings of the 2019 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference).科研成果: 图书/报告稿件的类型 › 会议稿件
10 引用 (Scopus) -
Evolving use of natriuretic peptide receptor type-C as part of strategies for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension due to left ventricle heart failure
Egom, E. E., Maher, V. & El Hiani, Y., 4月 15 2019, 在: International Journal of Cardiology. 281, 页码 172-178 7 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文献综述 › 同行评审
8 引用 (Scopus) -
EWSR1-PBX3 gene fusion in cutaneous syncytial myoepithelioma
MacKinnon, W. F., Carter, M. D., Bridge, J. A., Tremaine, R. D. & Walsh, N. M. G., 6月 2019, 在: Journal of Cutaneous Pathology. 46, 6, 页码 421-424 4 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
10 引用 (Scopus) -
Examination of monitoring approaches for ambient air pollution: A case study for India
Brauer, M., Guttikunda, S. K., K A, N., Dey, S., Tripathi, S. N., Weagle, C. & Martin, R. V., 11月 1 2019, 在: Atmospheric Environment. 216, 116940.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
86 引用 (Scopus) -
Examining raphe-amygdala structural connectivity as a biological predictor of SSRI response
Pillai, R. L. I., Huang, C., LaBella, A., Zhang, M., Yang, J., Trivedi, M., Weissman, M., McGrath, P., Fava, M., Kurian, B., Cooper, C., McInnis, M., Oquendo, M. A., Pizzagalli, D. A., Parsey, R. V. & DeLorenzo, C., 9月 1 2019, 在: Journal of Affective Disorders. 256, 页码 8-16 9 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
12 引用 (Scopus) -
Examining seasonal variation in epistaxis in a maritime climate
McMullin, B., Atkinson, P., Larivée, N. & Chin, C. J., 12月 30 2019, 在: Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery. 48, 1, 74.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问14 引用 (Scopus) -
Examining the Impact of Tropical Cyclones on Air-Sea CO 2 Exchanges in the Bay of Bengal Based on Satellite Data and In Situ Observations
Ye, H., Sheng, J., Tang, D., Morozov, E., Kalhoro, M. A., Wang, S. & Xu, H., 1月 2019, 在: Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 124, 1, 页码 555-576 22 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Examining the implementation of clinical practice guidelines for the management of adult cancers: A mixed methods study
Urquhart, R., Woodside, H., Kendell, C. & Porter, G. A., 8月 2019, 在: Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 25, 4, 页码 656-663 8 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
4 引用 (Scopus) -
EXamining the knowledge, Attitudes and experiences of Canadian seniors Towards influenza (the EXACT survey)
Andrew, M. K., Gilca, V., Waite, N. & Pereira, J. A., 6月 26 2019, 在: BMC Geriatrics. 19, 1, 178.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Examining the Oxide Disruption Mechanism of a Nickel PVD Coating on Anodized Aluminum Braze Sheets
Corbin, S. F., 8月 15 2019, 在: Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. 50, 8, 页码 3816-3826 11 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
1 引用 (Scopus) -
Examining the shape of the association between low levels of fine particulate matter and mortality across three cycles of the canadian census health and environment cohort
Pappin, A. J., Christidis, T., Pinault, L. L., Crouse, D. L., Brook, J. R., Erickson, A., Hystad, P., Li, C., Martin, R. V., Meng, J., Weichenthal, S., Donkelaar, A. V., Tjepkema, M., Brauer, M. & Burnett, R. T., 10月 2019, 在: Environmental Health Perspectives. 127, 10, 107008.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问66 引用 (Scopus) -
Examining Trajectories of Daily Living Skills over the Preschool Years for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Pathways in ASD study team, 11月 1 2019, 在: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 49, 11, 页码 4390-4399 10 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
29 引用 (Scopus) -
Execution-time integration of clinical practice guidelines to provide decision support for comorbid conditions
Jafarpour, B., Raza Abidi, S., Van Woensel, W. & Raza Abidi, S. S., 3月 2019, 在: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 94, 页码 117-137 21 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
18 引用 (Scopus) -
Exercise and cognitive function in people living with HIV: a scoping review
Quigley, A., O'Brien, K., Parker, R. & MacKay-Lyons, M., 6月 5 2019, 在: Disability and Rehabilitation. 41, 12, 页码 1384-1395 12 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文献综述 › 同行评审
25 引用 (Scopus) -
Expanding the role of social science in conservation through an engagement with philosophy, methodology, and methods
Moon, K., Blackman, D. A., Adams, V. M., Colvin, R. M., Davila, F., Evans, M. C., Januchowski-Hartley, S. R., Bennett, N. J., Dickinson, H., Sandbrook, C., Sherren, K., St. John, F. A. V., van Kerkhoff, L. & Wyborn, C., 3月 2019, 在: Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 10, 3, 页码 294-302 9 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问101 引用 (Scopus) -
Experiences with Managing the Workplace Social Environment: A Qualitative Study
Price, S. L., Vine, J., Gurnham, M. E., Paynter, M. & Leiter, M., 11月 1 2019, 在: Journal of Nursing Administration. 49, 11, 页码 569-573 5 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
4 引用 (Scopus) -
Experimental and theoretical investigation of the lower explosion limit of multiphase hybrid mixtures
Addai, E. K., Ali, H., Amyotte, P. & Krause, U., 12月 1 2019, 在: Process Safety Progress. 38, 4, e12045.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
4 引用 (Scopus) -
Experimental cannabinoid 2 receptor activation by phyto-derived and synthetic cannabinoid ligands in LPS-Induced interstitial cystitis in mice
Berger, G., Arora, N., Burkovskiy, I., Xia, Y., Chinnadurai, A., Westhofen, R., Hagn, G., Cox, A., Kelly, M., Zhou, J. & Lehmann, C., 11月 21 2019, 在: Molecules. 24, 23, 4239.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问26 引用 (Scopus) -
Experimental investigation of limiting oxygen concentration of hybrid mixtures
Addai, E. K., Clouthier, M., Amyotte, P., Safdar, M. & Krause, U., 1月 2019, 在: Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries. 57, 页码 120-130 11 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
17 引用 (Scopus) -
Experimental investigation of thin PCM packages and thermal spreader for thermal management of portable electronic devices
Maranda, S., Sponagle, B., Worlitschek, J. & Groulx, D., 11月 1 2019, 在: Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 9, 21, 4613.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问14 引用 (Scopus) -
Experimental realization of dark and antidark diffraction-free beams
Zhu, X., Wang, F., Zhao, C., Cai, Y. & Ponomarenko, S. A., 5月 1 2019, 在: Optics Letters. 44, 9, 页码 2260-2263 4 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
41 引用 (Scopus) -
Experimental study of hollow FRP sections under bending
Tynski, E. & Sadeghian, P., 12月 1 2019, APFIS 2019 Proceedings - 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures. Smith, S. T., Yu, T., Fernando, D. & Wang, Z. (编辑). APFIS Conference Series, (APFIS 2019 Proceedings - 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures).科研成果: 图书/报告稿件的类型 › 会议稿件
Explaining the performance of black box regression models
Areosa, I. & Torgo, L., 10月 2019, Proceedings - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics, DSAA 2019. Singh, L., De Veaux, R., Karypis, G., Bonchi, F. & Hill, J. (编辑). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 页码 110-118 9 页码 8964224. (Proceedings - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics, DSAA 2019).科研成果: 图书/报告稿件的类型 › 会议稿件
3 引用 (Scopus) -
Exploiting machine learning algorithms and methods for the prediction of agitated delirium after cardiac surgery: Models development and validation study
Mufti, H. N., Hirsch, G. M., Abidi, S. R. & Abidi, S. S. R., 10月 2019, 在: JMIR Medical Informatics. 7, 4, e14993.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Exploiting Nature-Inspired-Based Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Coordinated Day-Ahead Scheduling to Efficiently Manage Energy in Smart Grid
Khan, Z. A., Khalid, A., Javaid, N., Haseeb, A., Saba, T. & Shafiq, M., 2019, 在: IEEE Access. 7, 页码 140102-140125 24 页码, 8845584.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Exploring maternal postnatal newborn care postnatal discharge education in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Barriers, facilitators and opportunities
Dol, J., Kohi, T., Campbell-Yeo, M., Tomblin Murphy, G., Aston, M. & Mselle, L., 10月 2019, 在: Midwifery. 77, 页码 137-143 7 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
15 引用 (Scopus) -
Exploring the detection of microcystin-LR using polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS)
Brophy, M. J., Mackie, A. L., Park, Y. & Gagnon, G. A., 4月 2019, 在: Environmental Sciences: Processes and Impacts. 21, 4, 页码 659-666 8 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
6 引用 (Scopus) -
Exploring the impact of mechanical pressure on the performance of anode-free lithium metal cells
Louli, A. J., Genovese, M., Weber, R., Hames, S. G., Logan, E. R. & Dahn, J. R., 2019, 在: Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 166, 8, 页码 A1291-A1299科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问210 引用 (Scopus) -
Exploring the long-term effect of plastic on compost microbiome
Esan, E. O., Abbey, L. & Yurgel, S., 3月 2019, 在: PLoS ONE. 14, 3, e0214376.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问34 引用 (Scopus) -
Exploring the responsiveness of goal attainment scaling in relation to number of goals set in a sample of hemophilia-A patients
McGarrigle, L., Roberts, J. C., Denne, M. & Rockwood, K., 12月 1 2019, 在: Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes. 3, 1, 20.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Exploring the roles of artificial intelligence and next-generation virtual technologies in soundscape studies
To, W. M. & Chung, A. W. L., 2019, INTER-NOISE 2019 MADRID - 48th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering. Calvo-Manzano, A., Delgado, A., Perez-Lopez, A. & Santiago, J. S. (编辑). SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE ACUSTICA - Spanish Acoustical Society, SEA, (INTER-NOISE 2019 MADRID - 48th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering).科研成果: 图书/报告稿件的类型 › 会议稿件
1 引用 (Scopus) -
Exposure to ambient air pollution and the incidence of congestive heart failure and acute myocardial infarction: A population-based study of 5.1 million Canadian adults living in Ontario
Bai, L., Shin, S., Burnett, R. T., Kwong, J. C., Hystad, P., van Donkelaar, A., Goldberg, M. S., Lavigne, E., Copes, R., Martin, R. V., Kopp, A. & Chen, H., 11月 2019, 在: Environment International. 132, 105004.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问119 引用 (Scopus) -
Exposure to caffeinated energy drink marketing and educational messages among youth and young adults in Canada
Wiggers, D., Asbridge, M., Baskerville, N. B., Reid, J. L. & Hammond, D., 2月 2 2019, 在: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16, 4, 642.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问13 引用 (Scopus) -
Extended Duration of Active Surveillance of Small Renal Masses: A Prospective Cohort Study
Whelan, E. A., Mason, R. J., Himmelman, J. G., Matheson, K. & Rendon, R. A., 7月 1 2019, 在: Journal of Urology. 202, 1, 页码 57-61 5 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文献综述 › 同行评审
19 引用 (Scopus) -
Extended-state-observer-based output feedback adaptive control of hydraulic system with continuous friction compensation
Luo, C., Yao, J. & Gu, J., 10月 2019, 在: Journal of the Franklin Institute. 356, 15, 页码 8414-8437 24 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Extensive Reduction of the Nuclear Pore Complex in Nucleomorphs
Irwin, N. A. T., Keeling, P. J. & Archibald, J., 3月 1 2019, 在: Genome Biology and Evolution. 11, 3, 页码 678-687 10 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问3 引用 (Scopus) -
Extensive secondary contact among three glacial lineages of Arctic Char (Salvelinus alpinus) in Labrador and Newfoundland
Salisbury, S. J., McCracken, G. R., Keefe, D., Perry, R. & Ruzzante, D. E., 2月 1 2019, 在: Ecology and Evolution. 9, 4, 页码 2031-2045 15 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问19 引用 (Scopus) -
External Partial Discharge Analysis in Design Process of Electrical Space Components
Arentsen, M. T., Bak, C. L., Da Silva, F. F. & Lorenzen, S., 9月 2019, 2019 European Space Power Conference, ESPC 2019. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 8932001. (2019 European Space Power Conference, ESPC 2019).科研成果: 图书/报告稿件的类型 › 会议稿件
1 引用 (Scopus) -
Extracellular vesicles and their diagnostic potential in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Roy, J., Saucier, D., O'Connell, C. & Morin, P., 10月 2019, 在: Clinica Chimica Acta. 497, 页码 27-34 8 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文献综述 › 同行评审
12 引用 (Scopus) -
Extract and component-specific sensitization patterns in Canadian moderate-to-severe preschool asthmatics
12月 1 2019, 在: Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 74, 12, 页码 2519-2521 3 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 快报 › 同行评审
6 引用 (Scopus) -
Extremely Low-Cost and Green Cellulose Passivating Perovskites for Stable and High-Performance Solar Cells
Yang, J., Xiong, S., Qu, T., Zhang, Y., He, X., Guo, X., Zhao, Q., Braun, S., Chen, J., Xu, J., Li, Y., Liu, X., Duan, C., Tang, J., Fahlman, M. & Bao, Q., 4月 10 2019, 在: ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 11, 14, 页码 13491-13498 8 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
84 引用 (Scopus) -
Extremely nonlinear carbon-disulfide-filled photonic crystal fiber with controllable dispersion
Monfared, Y. E. & Ponomarenko, S. A., 2月 2019, 在: Optical Materials. 88, 页码 406-411 6 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
50 引用 (Scopus) -
Fabrication, Characterization, and Evaluation of Monolithic NiTi Nanolaminate Coatings
Cameron, N. & Farhat, Z., 11月 2 2019, 在: Tribology Transactions. 62, 6, 页码 1007-1018 12 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Fabrication and investigation of the scratch and indentation behaviour of new generation Ni-P-nano-NiTi composite coating for oil and gas pipelines
MacLean, M., Farhat, Z., Jarjoura, G., Fayyad, E., Abdullah, A. & Hassan, M., 4月 30 2019, 在: Wear. 426-427, 页码 265-276 12 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
43 引用 (Scopus) -
Fabrication of nanobiocatalyst using encapsulated laccase onto chitosan-nanobiochar composite
Naghdi, M., Taheran, M., Brar, S. K., Kermanshahi-pour, A., Verma, M. & Surampalli, R. Y., 3月 1 2019, 在: International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 124, 页码 530-536 7 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Fabrication of thin-layer matrigel-based constructs for three-dimensional cell culture
Ko, K. R., Tsai, M. C. & Frampton, J. P., 1月 1 2019, 在: Biotechnology Progress. 35, 1, e2733.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问11 引用 (Scopus) -
Facebook ads to the rescue? Recruiting a hard to reach population into an Internet-based behavioral health intervention trial
Wozney, L., Turner, K., Rose-Davis, B. & McGrath, P. J., 9月 2019, 在: Internet Interventions. 17, 100246.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Facile construction of Zn(II)-porphyrin-cored [5]rotaxane and its controllable aggregation behaviours
He, M., Chen, L., Jiang, B., Tan, H., Wang, C. & Yang, H., 1月 2019, 在: Chinese Chemical Letters. 30, 1, 页码 131-134 4 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Facile synthesis of diverse rotaxanes: Via successive supramolecular transformations
Hu, Y., Wang, W., Yao, R., Wang, X. Q., Wang, Y. X., Sun, B., Chen, L. J., Zhang, Y., Zhao, X. L., Xu, L., Tan, H. W., Yu, Y., Li, X. & Yang, H. B., 11月 2019, 在: Materials Chemistry Frontiers. 3, 11, 页码 2397-2402 6 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Facilitators and Barriers for Implementing an Internet Clinic for the Treatment of Pressure Injuries
Walia, S., Wolfe, D., Keast, D., Ho, C., Ethans, K., Worley, S., O'Connell, C. & Hill, D., 12月 2019, 在: Telemedicine Journal and e-Health. 25, 12, 页码 1237-1243 7 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Facing capitalism and toxic masculinity: An interview with daniel marc janes on futures
Ue, T., 6月 1 2019, 在: Film International. 17, 2, 页码 103-106 4 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 评论/辩论 › 同行评审
Factors associated with the responsive behaviours of older adults living in long-term care homes towards staff: A systematic review protocol
Weeks, L., 5月 1 2019, 在: BMJ Open. 9, 5, e028416.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文献综述 › 同行评审
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Factors influencing flashflood deposit preservation in shallow marine sediments of a hyperarid environment
Mathalon, A., Goodman-Tchernov, B., Hill, P., Kálmán, Á. & Katz, T., 5月 2019, 在: Marine Geology. 411, 页码 22-35 14 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Factors influencing middle managers’ commitment to the implementation of innovations in cancer care
Urquhart, R., Kendell, C., Folkes, A., Reiman, T., Grunfeld, E. & Porter, G., 4月 1 2019, 在: Journal of Health Services Research and Policy. 24, 2, 页码 91-99 9 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Factors influencing optical coherence tomography peripapillary choroidal thickness: A multicenter study
Yang, H., Luo, H., Gardiner, S. K., Hardin, C., Sharpe, G. P., Caprioli, J., Demirel, S., Girkin, C. A., Liebmann, J. M., Mardin, C. Y., Quigley, H. A., Scheuerle, A. F., Fortune, B., Chauhan, B. C. & Burgoyne, C. F., 2月 2019, 在: Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 60, 2, 页码 795-806 12 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Factors Influencing the Implementation of Nutrition Policies in Schools: A Scoping Review
McIsaac, J. L. D., Spencer, R., Chiasson, K., Kontak, J. & Kirk, S. F. L., 4月 1 2019, 在: Health Education and Behavior. 46, 2, 页码 224-250 27 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文献综述 › 同行评审
43 引用 (Scopus) -
Factors influencing the uptake of canadian research findings into the care of children with arthritis: A healthcare provider perspective
Rose-Davis, B., Curran, J., Wright, J., Cellucci, T., Duffy, C. M., Tucker, L. B., Batthish, M., Huber, A. M., Lang, B., Levy, D. M., Rumsey, D. G., Duffy, K. N. W. & Stringer, E., 3月 2019, 在: Journal of Rheumatology. 46, 3, 页码 294-300 7 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Fair energy management with void hole avoidance in intelligent heterogeneous underwater WSNs
Javaid, N., Ahmad, Z., Sher, A., Wadud, Z., Khan, Z. A. & Ahmed, S. H., 11月 1 2019, 在: Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. 10, 11, 页码 4225-4241 17 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
26 引用 (Scopus) -
Family Physical Activity Planning and Child Physical Activity Outcomes: A Randomized Trial
Rhodes, R. E., Blanchard, C. M., Quinlan, A., Naylor, P. J. & Warburton, D. E. R., 8月 2019, 在: American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 57, 2, 页码 135-144 10 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Farmakologie látek ovlivňujících fluidokoagulační rovnováhu
Černý, V., 2019, 在: Anesteziologie a Intenzivni Medicina. 30, 3-4, 页码 189 1 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
Farm management fragmentation in Nova Scotia does not affect farm habitat provision
Sherren, K. & Greenland-Smith, S., 1月 1 2019, Canadian Geographer / Geographie Canadien, 63, 2, 页码 297-311 15 页码.科研成果: 专业出版物稿件的类型 › 文章
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Fast orthogonal row-column electronic scanning experiments and comparisons
Ceroici, C., Latham, K., Greenlay, B. A., Brown, J. A. & Zemp, R. J., 6月 2019, 在: IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. 66, 6, 页码 1093-1101 9 页码, 8672216.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
14 引用 (Scopus) -
Fast PMI-based word embedding with efficient use of unobserved patterns
Soleimani, B. H. & Matwin, S., 2019, 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2019, 31st Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference, IAAI 2019 and the 9th AAAI Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence, EAAI 2019. AAAI press, 页码 7031-7038 8 页码 (33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2019, 31st Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference, IAAI 2019 and the 9th AAAI Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence, EAAI 2019).科研成果: 图书/报告稿件的类型 › 会议稿件
5 引用 (Scopus) -
Fast Simulation of Vehicular Antennas for V2X Communication Using the Sparse Equivalent Source Model
Zhao, H., Li, C., Chen, Z. & Hu, J., 8月 2019, 在: IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 6, 4, 页码 7038-7047 10 页码, 8701472.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
16 引用 (Scopus) -
Fats enhance stem cell emergence
Rajan, V. K. & Berman, J. N., 2019, 在: Science. 363, 6431, 页码 1041-1042 2 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
Female informant-reports of male romantic partners' alcohol problems predict escalations in dyadic conflict in heterosexual couples
Farrelly, K. N., Sherry, S. B., Kehayes, I. L. & Stewart, S. H., 5月 2019, 在: Addictive Behaviors. 92, 页码 102-107 6 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Ferroelectric polarization-controlled resistive switching in BaTiO3/SmNiO3 epitaxial heterostructures
Jia, M. X., Ren, Z. Q., Liu, Y. D., Cheng, Y., Huang, R., Xiang, P. H., Tang, X. D., Tian, B. B., Zhong, N. & Duan, C. G., 3月 11 2019, 在: Applied Physics Letters. 114, 10, 102901.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
20 引用 (Scopus) -
Fibrosis independent atrial fibrillation in older patients is driven by substrate leukocyte infiltration: Diagnostic and prognostic implications to patients undergoing cardiac surgery
Aguiar, C. M., Gawdat, K., Legere, S., Marshall, J., Hassan, A., Kienesberger, P. C., Pulinilkunnil, T., Castonguay, M., Brunt, K. R. & Legare, J. F., 12月 10 2019, 在: Journal of Translational Medicine. 17, 1, 413.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Financing decisions in a supply chain with a capital-constrained manufacturer as new entrant
Yang, H., Sun, F., Chen, J. & Chen, B., 10月 2019, 在: International Journal of Production Economics. 216, 页码 321-332 12 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
46 引用 (Scopus) -
Finding Diagnostically Useful Patterns in Quantitative Phenotypic Data
DDD Study, 11月 7 2019, 在: American Journal of Human Genetics. 105, 5, 页码 933-946 14 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Finding safe and efficient shipping routes in ice-covered waters: A framework and a model
Lehtola, V., Montewka, J., Goerlandt, F., Guinness, R. & Lensu, M., 9月 2019, 在: Cold Regions Science and Technology. 165, 102795.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
50 引用 (Scopus) -
Fine-scale temperature-associated genetic structure between inshore and offshore populations of sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus)
Lehnert, S. J., DiBacco, C., Van Wyngaarden, M., Jeffery, N. W., Ben Lowen, J., Sylvester, E. V. A., Wringe, B. F., Stanley, R. R. E., Hamilton, L. C. & Bradbury, I. R., 1月 1 2019, 在: Heredity. 122, 1, 页码 69-80 12 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Firearm-related injuries among Canadian children and youth from 2006 to 2013: A CHIRPP study
Cox, C. M. J., Stewart, S. A. & Hurley, K. F., 3月 1 2019, 在: Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 21, 2, 页码 190-194 5 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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First-line Immuno-Oncology Combination Therapies in Metastatic Renal-cell Carcinoma: Results from the International Metastatic Renal-cell Carcinoma Database Consortium
12月 2019, 在: European Urology. 76, 6, 页码 861-867 7 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
73 引用 (Scopus) -
First-principles investigation of the interface magnetic anisotropy of Fe/SrTiO 3
Wei, Y., Sun, Y. Y., Yang, J., Gong, S. J., Meng, Y. H. & Duan, C. G., 2月 20 2019, 在: Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 31, 7, 075803.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
5 引用 (Scopus) -
Fixed Handheld Dynamometry Provides Reliable and Valid Values for Quadriceps Isometric Strength in People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Multicenter Study
Bui, K. L., Mathur, S., Dechman, G., Maltais, F., Camp, P. & Saey, D., 9月 1 2019, 在: Physical Therapy. 99, 9, 页码 1255-1267 13 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Fluorescence Spectra Predict Microcystin-LR and Disinfection Byproduct Formation Potential in Lake Water
Brophy, M. J., Trueman, B. F., Park, Y., Betts, R. A. & Gagnon, G. A., 1月 15 2019, 在: Environmental Science and Technology. 53, 2, 页码 586-594 9 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
17 引用 (Scopus) -
Followup imaging studies in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: An individualized approach
Thana, M. & Wood, L. A., 2019, 在: Journal of the Canadian Urological Association. 13, 6, 页码 201-202 2 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 评论/辩论 › 同行评审
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Food in Focus: Youth Exploring Food in Schools Using Photovoice
Spencer, R. A., McIsaac, J. L. D., Stewart, M., Brushett, S. & Kirk, S. F. L., 9月 2019, 在: Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 51, 8, 页码 1011-1019 9 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Food security in African Canadian communities: A scoping review protocol
Jefferies, K., Tomblin Murphy, G. & Helwig, M., 2019, (待刊) 在: JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Foraminifera Trace Anthropogenic CO2 in the NW Atlantic by 1950
Mellon, S., Kienast, M., Algar, C., de Menocal, P., Kienast, S. S., Marchitto, T. M., Moros, M. & Thomas, H., 12月 28 2019, 在: Geophysical Research Letters. 46, 24, 页码 14683-14691 9 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Foreign policy of apartheid: From settler colonialism to state capitalism and neocolonial corporatism
Shaw, T. M., 1月 1 2019, Confrontation and Liberation in Southern Africa: Regional Directions After the Nkomati Accord. Taylor and Francis, 页码 51-70 20 页码科研成果: 图书/报告稿件的类型 › 章节
Forest cover enhances natural enemy diversity and biological control services in Brazilian sun coffee plantations
Medeiros, H. R., Grandinete, Y. C., Manning, P., Harper, K. A., Cutler, G. C., Tyedmers, P., Righi, C. A. & Ribeiro, M. C., 12月 1 2019, 在: Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 39, 6, 50.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Fostering Resilience in Children Who have been Orphaned: Preliminary Results from the Botswana Balekane EARTH Program
Katisi, M., Jefferies, P., Dikolobe, O., Moeti, O., Brisson, J. & Ungar, M., 2019, (待刊) 在: Child and Youth Care Forum.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
12 引用 (Scopus) -
Frailty: a new vulnerability indicator in people aging with HIV
Brothers, T. D. & Rockwood, K., 4月 1 2019, 在: European Geriatric Medicine. 10, 2, 页码 219-226 8 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文献综述 › 同行评审
开放访问15 引用 (Scopus) -
Frailty: A narrative review with a focus on eastern and southeastern Asia
Jayanama, K. & Theou, O., 2019, 在: International Journal of Gerontology. 13, 2, 页码 106-110 5 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
3 引用 (Scopus) -
Frailty and aging medicine
Rockwood, K., 3月 2019, 在: Aging Medicine. 2, 1, 页码 4-6 3 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 社论 › 同行评审
开放访问1 引用 (Scopus) -
Frailty and risk of fractures in patients with type 2 diabetes
4月 1 2019, 在: Diabetes Care. 42, 4, 页码 507-513 7 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问99 引用 (Scopus) -
Frailty and Risk of Incident Motoric Cognitive Risk Syndrome
Sathyan, S., Ayers, E., Gao, T., Milman, S., Barzilai, N., Rockwood, K. & Verghese, J., 2019, 在: Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 71, s1, 页码 S85-S93科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
30 引用 (Scopus) -
Frailty as a risk predictor in cardiac surgery: Beyond the eyeball test
Yanagawa, B., Graham, M. M., Afilalo, J., Hassan, A. & Arora, R. C., 5月 2019, 在: Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 157, 5, 页码 1905-1909 5 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 社论 › 同行评审
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Frailty Assessment in Animal Models
Heinze-Milne, S. D., Banga, S. & Howlett, S. E., 10月 1 2019, 在: Gerontology. 65, 6, 页码 610-619 10 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文献综述 › 同行评审
开放访问28 引用 (Scopus) -
Frailty effects on non-demented cognitive trajectories are moderated by sex and Alzheimer's genetic risk
Thibeau, S., McDermott, K., McFall, G. P., Rockwood, K. & Dixon, R. A., 6月 21 2019, 在: Alzheimer's Research and Therapy. 11, 1, 55.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Frailty prevalence in the COMPASS-ND study of neurodegenerative disorders
2019, 在: Canadian Geriatrics Journal. 22, 4, 页码 205-212 8 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问7 引用 (Scopus) -
Frailty screening in chronic kidney disease: Current perspectives
Worthen, G. & Tennankore, K., 2019, 在: International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease. 12, 页码 229-239 11 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文献综述 › 同行评审
开放访问34 引用 (Scopus) -
Frizzled 4 regulates ventral blood vessel remodeling in the zebrafish retina
Caceres, L., Prykhozhij, S. V., Cairns, E., Gjerde, H., Duff, N. M., Collett, K., Ngo, M., Nasrallah, G. K., McMaster, C. R., Litvak, M., Robitaille, J. M. & Berman, J. N., 12月 1 2019, 在: Developmental Dynamics. 248, 12, 页码 1243-1256 14 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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From cantonese lexical tone awareness to second language english vocabulary: Cross-Language mediation by segmental phonological awareness
Choi, W., Tong, X. & Deacon, H., 6月 2019, 在: Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 62, 6, 页码 1875-1889 15 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
9 引用 (Scopus) -
From mother to baby: antenatal exposure to monoclonal antibody biologics
Pham-Huy, A., Sadarangani, M., Huang, V., Ostensen, M., Castillo, E., Troster, S. M., Vaudry, W., Nguyen, G. C. & Top, K. A., 3月 4 2019, 在: Expert Review of Clinical Immunology. 15, 3, 页码 221-229 9 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文献综述 › 同行评审
26 引用 (Scopus) -
FRP materials for rehabilitation of buried pipes
Kanagaraj, A. S. & Sadeghian, P., 2019.科研成果: 会议稿件的类型 › 论文 › 同行评审
Full milk feeds from day 1
Ojha, S., Mitchell, E., Montgomery, A. & Dorling, J., 7月 1 2019, 在: Neonatology. 116, 1, 页码 67 1 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 快报 › 同行评审
Functional Rehabilitation for Nonsurgical Treatment of Acute Achilles Tendon Rupture
Glazebrook, M. & Rubinger, D., 9月 2019, 在: Foot and Ankle Clinics. 24, 3, 页码 387-398 12 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文献综述 › 同行评审
24 引用 (Scopus) -
Fusobacterium nucleatum-positive colorectal cancer (Review)
Yang, Z. & Ji, G., 8月 2019, 在: Oncology Letters. 18, 2, 页码 975-982 8 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文献综述 › 同行评审
开放访问20 引用 (Scopus) -
Future directions in research on beaked whales
Hooker, S. K., De Soto, N. A., Baird, R. W., Carroll, E. L., Claridge, D., Feyrer, L., Miller, P. J. O., Onoufriou, A., Schorr, G., Siegal, E. & Whitehead, H., 2019, 在: Frontiers in Marine Science. 6, JAN, 514.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文献综述 › 同行评审
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Future Ocean Observations to Connect Climate, Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems
Schmidt, J. O., Bograd, S. J., Arrizabalaga, H., Azevedo, J. L., Barbeaux, S. J., Barth, J. A., Boyer, T., Brodie, S., Cárdenas, J. J., Cross, S., Druon, J. N., Fransson, A., Hartog, J., Hazen, E. L., Hobday, A., Jacox, M., Karstensen, J., Kupschus, S., Lopez, J. & Madureira, L. A. S. P. 以及 11其他, , 9月 13 2019, 在: Frontiers in Marine Science. 6, 550.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文献综述 › 同行评审
开放访问30 引用 (Scopus) -
Future Research in Feedback: How to Use Feedback and Coaching Conversations in a Way That Supports Development of the Individual as a Self-Directed Learner and Resilient Professional
Sargeant, J., 2019, 在: Academic Medicine. 94, 页码 S9-S10科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 评论/辩论 › 同行评审
开放访问10 引用 (Scopus) -
Game Theory based Electric Price Tariff and Salp Swarm Algorithm for Demand Side Management
Khalid, A., Khan, Z. A. & Javaid, N., 2月 21 2019, ITT 2018 - Information Technology Trends: Emerging Technologies for Artificial Intelligence. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 页码 99-103 5 页码 8649489. (ITT 2018 - Information Technology Trends: Emerging Technologies for Artificial Intelligence).科研成果: 图书/报告稿件的类型 › 会议稿件
7 引用 (Scopus) -
Gastric Residual Volume Measurement in U.K. PICUs: A Survey of Practice
8月 1 2019, 在: Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 20, 8, 页码 707-713 7 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
14 引用 (Scopus) -
Gemini north adaptive optics (GNAO): An MCAO system for Gemini North towards conceptual design
Sivo, G., Palmer, D., Scharwächter, J., Andersen, M., Provost, N., Marin, E., Van Dam, M., Chinn, B., Chirre, E., Cavedoni, C., Schneider, T., Kang, S., Hirst, P., Rambold, W., Ebbers, A., Gigoux, P., Catala, L., Hayward, T., Blakeslee, J. & Roe, H. 以及 31其他, , 2019.科研成果: 会议稿件的类型 › 论文 › 同行评审
3 引用 (Scopus) -
Gender, age and subjectivewell-being: Towards personalized persuasive health interventions
Abdullahi, A. M., Orji, R. & Kawu, A. A., 10月 1 2019, 在: Information (Switzerland). 10, 10, 301.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Gender Differences in Pragmatic Communication in School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
The Pathways in ASD Study Team, 5月 15 2019, 在: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 49, 5, 页码 1937-1948 12 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
42 引用 (Scopus) -
Gene drive gone wild: exploring deliberative possibilities by developing One Health ethics
Capps, B., 7月 3 2019, 在: Law, Innovation and Technology. 11, 2, 页码 231-256 26 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
7 引用 (Scopus) -
Generalized beam angle channel modulation with space-time block coding
Hoseyni, J. & Ilow, J., 9月 2019, 2019 IEEE 90th Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC 2019 Fall - Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 8891176. (IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference; 卷 2019-September).科研成果: 图书/报告稿件的类型 › 会议稿件
2 引用 (Scopus) -
General strength and conditioning versus motor control with manual therapy for improving depressive symptoms in chronic low back pain: A randomised feasibility trial
Teychenne, M., Lamb, K. E., Main, L., Miller, C., Hahne, A., Ford, J., Rosenbaum, S. & Belavy, D., 8月 1 2019, 在: PLoS ONE. 14, 8, e0220442.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Generating bona fide twisted Gaussian Schell-model beams
Wang, H., Peng, X., Liu, L., Wang, F., Cai, Y. & Ponomarenko, S. A., 8月 1 2019, 在: Optics Letters. 44, 15, 页码 3709-3712 4 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
51 引用 (Scopus) -
Generating Heat and Power from Biomass - An Overview
Ali, G. & El-Hawary, M., 5月 2019, 2019 IEEE Canadian Conference of Electrical and Computer Engineering, CCECE 2019. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 9052399. (2019 IEEE Canadian Conference of Electrical and Computer Engineering, CCECE 2019; 卷 2019-January).科研成果: 图书/报告稿件的类型 › 会议稿件
5 引用 (Scopus) -
Genetic and Transcriptomic Variation Linked to Neutrophil Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor Signaling in Pediatric Crohn's Disease
Denson, L. A., Jurickova, I., Karns, R., Shaw, K. A., Cutler, D. J., Okou, D., Alexander Valencia, C., Dodd, A., Mondal, K., Aronow, B. J., Haberman, Y., Linn, A., Price, A., Bezold, R., Lake, K., Jackson, K., Walters, T. D., Griffiths, A., Baldassano, R. N. & Noe, J. D. 以及 14其他, , 2月 21 2019, 在: Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. 25, 3, 页码 547-560 14 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问9 引用 (Scopus) -
Genetic predisposition and modifiable risks for late-life dementia
Rockwood, K., Wallace, L. M. K. & Davis, D. H., 9月 1 2019, 在: Nature Medicine. 25, 9, 页码 1331-1332 2 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 评论/辩论 › 同行评审
7 引用 (Scopus) -
Genetic variants and pathways implicated in a pediatric inflammatory bowel disease cohort
Shaw, K. A., Cutler, D. J., Okou, D., Dodd, A., Aronow, B. J., Haberman, Y., Stevens, C., Walters, T. D., Griffiths, A., Baldassano, R. N., Noe, J. D., Hyams, J. S., Crandall, W. V., Kirschner, B. S., Heyman, M. B., Snapper, S., Guthery, S., Dubinsky, M. C., Shapiro, J. M. & Otley, A. R. 以及 4其他, , 2月 1 2019, 在: Genes and Immunity. 20, 2, 页码 131-142 12 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问25 引用 (Scopus) -
Genito-Pelvic Pain Through a Dyadic Lens: Moving Toward an Interpersonal Emotion Regulation Model of Women’s Sexual Dysfunction
Rosen, N. O. & Bergeron, S., 6月 13 2019, 在: Journal of Sex Research. 56, 4-5, 页码 440-461 22 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文献综述 › 同行评审
开放访问89 引用 (Scopus) -
Genome-Wide association studies in apple reveal loci for aroma volatiles, sugar composition, and harvest Date
Migicovsky, Z. & Myles, S., 6月 2019, 在: Plant Genome. 12, 2, 180104.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问54 引用 (Scopus) -
Genome-wide association studies in apple reveal loci of large effect controlling apple polyphenols
McClure, K. A., Gong, Y. H., Song, J., Vinqvist-Tymchuk, M., Campbell Palmer, L., Fan, L., Burgher-MacLellan, K., Zhang, Z. Q., Celton, J. M., Forney, C. F., Migicovsky, Z. & Myles, S., 12月 1 2019, 在: Horticulture Research. 6, 1, 107.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问53 引用 (Scopus) -
Genome-wide association study identifies 30 loci associated with bipolar disorder
5月 1 2019, 在: Nature Genetics. 51, 5, 页码 793-803 11 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
1001 引用 (Scopus) -
Genome-wide association study of treatment-resistance in depression and meta-analysis of three independent samples
Fabbri, C., Kasper, S., Kautzky, A., Bartova, L., Dold, M., Zohar, J., Souery, D., Montgomery, S., Albani, D., Raimondi, I., Dikeos, D., Rujescu, D., Uher, R., Lewis, C. M., Mendlewicz, J. & Serretti, A., 1月 1 2019, 在: British Journal of Psychiatry. 214, 1, 页码 36-41 6 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问40 引用 (Scopus) -
Genome-wide Burden of Rare Short Deletions Is Enriched in Major Depressive Disorder in Four Cohorts
6月 15 2019, 在: Biological Psychiatry. 85, 12, 页码 1065-1073 9 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问24 引用 (Scopus) -
Genome-wide sequencing in acutely ill infants: genomic medicine’s critical application?
for the Paediatric Task Team of the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health Regulatory and Ethics Work Stream, 2月 1 2019, 在: Genetics in Medicine. 21, 2, 页码 498-504 7 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问40 引用 (Scopus) -
Genomic Relationships, Novel Loci, and Pleiotropic Mechanisms across Eight Psychiatric Disorders
Wellcome Trust Case-Control Consortium, Cross-Disorder Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, 23andMe Research Team & Psychosis Endophenotypes International Consortium, 12月 12 2019, 在: Cell. 179, 7, 页码 1469-1482.e11科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问786 引用 (Scopus) -
Genomic signatures and correlates of widespread population declines in salmon
Lehnert, S. J., Kess, T., Bentzen, P., Kent, M. P., Lien, S., Gilbey, J., Clément, M., Jeffery, N. W., Waples, R. S. & Bradbury, I. R., 12月 1 2019, 在: Nature Communications. 10, 1, 2996.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问54 引用 (Scopus) -
Genomics reveals alga-associated cyanobacteria hiding in plain sight
Archibald, J. M., 8月 6 2019, 在: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 116, 32, 页码 15757-15759 3 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 评论/辩论 › 同行评审
开放访问1 引用 (Scopus) -
Geometric random graphs and Rado sets in sequence spaces
Bonato, A., Janssen, J. & Quas, A., 6月 2019, 在: European Journal of Combinatorics. 79, 页码 1-14 14 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问3 引用 (Scopus) -
Geomicrobiology of the carbon, nitrogen and sulphur cycles in Powell Lake: a permanently stratified water column containing ancient seawater
Haas, S., Desai, D. K., LaRoche, J., Pawlowicz, R. & Wallace, D. W. R., 10月 1 2019, 在: Environmental Microbiology. 21, 10, 页码 3927-3952 26 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
10 引用 (Scopus) -
Geospatial modelling of the prevalence and changing distribution of frailty in Australia – 2011 to 2027
Taylor, D., Barrie, H., Lange, J., Thompson, M. Q., Theou, O. & Visvanathan, R., 8月 2019, 在: Experimental Gerontology. 123, 页码 57-65 9 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
33 引用 (Scopus) -
Getting on target: Development of the novel, prozone-resistant, dual antibody rapid test (DART) for the LABScreen single antigen bead (SAB) assay
Greenshields, A., Bray, R. A., Gebel, H. M. & Liwski, R. S., 7月 2019, 在: Human Immunology. 80, 7, 页码 468-477 10 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
3 引用 (Scopus) -
Global ensemble projections reveal trophic amplification of ocean biomass declines with climate change
Lotze, H. K., Tittensor, D. P., Bryndum-Buchholz, A., Eddy, T. D., Cheung, W. W. L., Galbraith, E. D., Barange, M., Barrier, N., Bianchi, D., Blanchard, J. L., Bopp, L., Büchner, M., Bulman, C. M., Carozza, D. A., Christensen, V., Coll, M., Dunne, J. P., Fulton, E. A., Jennings, S. & Jones, M. C. 以及 15其他, , 2019, 在: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 116, 26, 页码 12907-12912 6 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问403 引用 (Scopus) -
Global High-Order Sliding Mode Controller Design Subject to Mismatched Terms: Application to Buck Converter
Shi, S., Xu, S., Gu, J. & Min, H., 12月 2019, 在: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. 66, 12, 页码 4840-4849 10 页码, 8811827.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
27 引用 (Scopus) -
Global PD-L1 Signals and Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes: Markers of Immunogenicity in Different Subsets of Merkel Cell Carcinoma and Potential Therapeutic Implications
Walsh, N. M., Castonguay, M. C., Carter, M. D., Pasternak, S., Ly, T. Y., Doucette, S., Hanly, J. G., Saggini, A. & Cerroni, L., 11月 1 2019, 在: American Journal of Dermatopathology. 41, 11, 页码 819-825 7 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
7 引用 (Scopus) -
Global vaccinology training: Report from an ADVAC workshop
Duclos, P., Martinez, L., MacDonald, N., Asturias, E., Nohynek, H. & Lambert, P. H., 5月 16 2019, 在: Vaccine. 37, 22, 页码 2871-2881 11 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问8 引用 (Scopus) -
Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists for antipsychotic-associated cardio-metabolic risk factors: A systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis
2月 2019, 在: Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism. 21, 2, 页码 293-302 10 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
85 引用 (Scopus) -
Governance of fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean: cooperative currents, foggy future
VanderZwaag, D. L., 1月 1 2019, Governing Marine Living Resources in the Polar Regions: New Horizons in Environmental and Energy Law Series. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 页码 92-108 17 页码科研成果: 图书/报告稿件的类型 › 章节
4 引用 (Scopus) -
Group-based, person-centered diabetes self-management education: Healthcare professionals' implementation of new approaches
Stenov, V., Wind, G., Vallis, M., Reventlow, S. & Hempler, N. F., 6月 11 2019, 在: BMC Health Services Research. 19, 1, 368.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问10 引用 (Scopus) -
Group education for adolescents with type 1 diabetes during transition from paediatric to adult care: Study protocol for a multisite, randomised controlled, superiority trial (GET-IT-T1D)
Mok, E., Henderson, M., Dasgupta, K., Rahme, E., Hajizadeh, M., Bell, L., Prevost, M., Frei, J. & Nakhla, M., 11月 1 2019, 在: BMJ Open. 9, 11, e033806.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问14 引用 (Scopus) -
Growth and essential oil composition responses of parsley cultivars to phosphorus fertilization and harvest date
Alharbi, B. M., Mahmoud, A. A., Astatkie, T. & Said-Al Ahl, H. A. H., 11月 8 2019, 在: Journal of Plant Nutrition. 42, 18, 页码 2395-2405 11 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
11 引用 (Scopus) -
Growth Friendly Surgery and Serial Cast Correction in the Treatment of Early-onset Scoliosis for Patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome
Oore, J., Connell, B., Yaszay, B., Samdani, A., Hilaire, T. S., Flynn, T. & El-Hawary, R., 9月 1 2019, 在: Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics. 39, 8, 页码 e597-e601科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
6 引用 (Scopus) -
Guest Editorial
Hemour, S. & Chen, Z., 5月 2019, 在: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 67, 5, 页码 1663-1664 2 页码, 8707094.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 社论 › 同行评审
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Guest Editorial
Chen, Z. D. & Hao, Z. C., 2月 2019, 在: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 67, 2, 页码 480-481 2 页码, 8635418.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 社论 › 同行评审
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Guest editor's note
Smit, M., 2019, 在: Journal of Ocean Technology. 14, 4, 页码 v-vi科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 社论 › 同行评审
1 引用 (Scopus) -
Guselkumab versus secukinumab for the treatment of moderate-to-severe psoriasis (ECLIPSE): results from a phase 3, randomised controlled trial
Reich, K., Armstrong, A. W., Langley, R. G., Flavin, S., Randazzo, B., Li, S., Hsu, M. C., Branigan, P. & Blauvelt, A., 9月 7 2019, 在: The Lancet. 394, 10201, 页码 831-839 9 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
269 引用 (Scopus) -
GuSTO: Guaranteed sequential trajectory optimization via sequential convex programming
Bonalli, R., Cauligi, A., Bylard, A. & Pavone, M., 5月 2019, 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2019. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 页码 6741-6747 7 页码 8794205. (Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation; 卷 2019-May).科研成果: 图书/报告稿件的类型 › 会议稿件
开放访问100 引用 (Scopus) -
GWAS of suicide attempt in psychiatric disorders and association with major depression polygenic risk scores
Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Bipolar Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, 2019, 在: American Journal of Psychiatry. 176, 8, 页码 651-660 10 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问177 引用 (Scopus) -
Gypsum and coal-bed methane water modify growth media properties, nutrient uptake, and essential oil profile of lemongrass and Palmarosa
Zheljazkov, V. D., Astatkie, T., Norton, U. & Jeliazkova, E. A., 2019, 在: Agronomy. 9, 6, 282.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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H2O2 decomposition catalyzed by strontium cobaltites and their application in Rhodamine B degradation in aqueous medium
Xu, W., Cao, B., Lin, H., Cheng, W., Luo, C., Peng, H. & Duan, C., 6月 15 2019, 在: Journal of Materials Science. 54, 11, 页码 8216-8225 10 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
8 引用 (Scopus) -
Habitat use of culturally distinct Galápagos sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus clans
Eguiguren, A., Pirotta, E., Cantor, M., Rendell, L. & Whitehead, H., 1月 17 2019, 在: Marine Ecology - Progress Series. 609, 页码 257-270 14 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
20 引用 (Scopus) -
Hard-Magnet L1 0 -CoPt Nanoparticles Advance Fuel Cell Catalysis
Li, J., Sharma, S., Liu, X., Pan, Y. T., Spendelow, J. S., Chi, M., Jia, Y., Zhang, P., Cullen, D. A., Xi, Z., Lin, H., Yin, Z., Shen, B., Muzzio, M., Yu, C., Kim, Y. S., Peterson, A. A., More, K. L., Zhu, H. & Sun, S., 1月 16 2019, 在: Joule. 3, 1, 页码 124-135 12 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Harnessing global fisheries to tackle micronutrient deficiencies
Hicks, C. C., Cohen, P. J., Graham, N. A. J., Nash, K. L., Allison, E. H., D’Lima, C., Mills, D. J., Roscher, M., Thilsted, S. H., Thorne-Lyman, A. L. & MacNeil, M. A., 10月 3 2019, 在: Nature. 574, 7776, 页码 95-98 4 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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HCI across borders and intersections
Kumar, N., Sturm, C., Ahmed, S. I., Karusala, N., Wong-Villacres, M., Morales, L., Orji, R., Dye, M., Ahmed, N., Gaytán-Lugo, L. S., Vashistha, A., Nemer, D., Heimerl, K. & Dray, S., 5月 2 2019, CHI EA 2019 - Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, 3299004. (Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings).科研成果: 图书/报告稿件的类型 › 会议稿件
7 引用 (Scopus) -
HDAC6 differentially regulates autophagy in stem-like versus differentiated cancer cells
Sharif, T., Martell, E., Dai, C., Ghassemi-Rad, M. S., Hanes, M. R., Murphy, P. J., Margam, N. N., Parmar, H. B., Giacomantonio, C. A., Duncan, R., Lee, P. W. K. & Gujar, S., 4月 3 2019, 在: Autophagy. 15, 4, 页码 686-706 21 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Health care providers' perceptions of antimicrobial use and stewardship at acute care hospitals in Nova Scotia
Black, E. K., MacDonald, L., Neville, H. L., Abbass, K., Slayter, K., Johnston, L. & Sketris, I., 2019, 在: Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy. 72, 4, 页码 263-270 8 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Healthcare workers ‘on the move’: making visible the employment-related geographic mobility of healthcare workers
Jackson, L., Price, S., Gardiner Barber, P., Kruisselbrink, A., Leiter, M., Nourpanah, S. & Bourgeault, I., 9月 2 2019, 在: Health Sociology Review. 28, 3, 页码 277-290 14 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Health effects of dietary risks in 195 countries, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017
GBD 2017 Diet Collaborators, 5月 11 2019, 在: The Lancet. 393, 10184, 页码 1958-1972 15 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Health outcomes of young children born to mothers who received 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza vaccination during pregnancy: Retrospective cohort study
Walsh, L. K., Donelle, J., Dodds, L., Hawken, S., Wilson, K., Benchimol, E. I., Chakraborty, P., Guttmann, A., Kwong, J. C., MacDonald, N. E., Ortiz, J. R., Sprague, A. E., Top, K. A., Walker, M. C., Wen, S. W. & Fell, D. B., 2019, 在: The BMJ. 366, l4151.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Health related quality of life for multiple myeloma patients according to treatment strategy after autologous stem cell transplant: a cross-sectional study using EORTC, EQ-5D and MY-20 scales
Tay, J., Vij, R., Norkin, M., Buadi, F., Kindwall-Keller, T. L., Roberts, J. S., White, D. J., Wood, R. P., Blanthorn-Hazell, S. E., Rossi, A. C., Dhanasiri, S., Zafar, F., Newhouse, K. & McCurdy, A. R., 4月 16 2019, 在: Leukemia and Lymphoma. 60, 5, 页码 1275-1282 8 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Health-related quality of life in pre-adolescent liver transplant recipients with biliary atresia: A cross-sectional study
Miserachs, M., Parmar, A., Bakula, A., Hierro, L., D'Antiga, L., Goldschmidt, I., Debray, D., A McLin, V., Casotti, V., Pawłowska, J., Camarena, C., R Otley, A., Baumann, U. & L Ng, V., 8月 2019, 在: Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology. 43, 4, 页码 427-435 9 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
12 引用 (Scopus) -
Health-related values and preferences regarding meat consumption a mixed-methods systematic review
NutriRECS Working Group, 11月 19 2019, 在: Annals of Internal Medicine. 171, 10, 页码 742-755 14 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文献综述 › 同行评审
59 引用 (Scopus) -
Health researchers' use of social media: Scoping review
Dol, J., Tutelman, P. R., Chambers, C. T., Barwick, M., Drake, E. K., Parker, J. A., Parker, R., Benchimol, E. I., George, R. B. & Witteman, H. O., 11月 1 2019, 在: Journal of Medical Internet Research. 21, 11, e13687.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文献综述 › 同行评审
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Health services use among children diagnosed with medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency through newborn screening: A cohort study in Ontario, Canada
Karaceper, M. D., Khangura, S. D., Wilson, K., Coyle, D., Brownell, M., Davies, C., Dodds, L., Feigenbaum, A., Fell, D. B., Grosse, S. D., Guttmann, A., Hawken, S., Hayeems, R. Z., Kronick, J. B., Laberge, A. M., Little, J., Mhanni, A., Mitchell, J. J., Nakhla, M. & Potter, M. 以及 9其他, , 3月 22 2019, 在: Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. 14, 1, 70.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问9 引用 (Scopus) -
Healthy Sleep Practices (Sleep Hygiene) in Children With ADHD
Corkum, P., Howlett, M., Rigney, G. & Weiss, S., 1月 1 2019, Sleep and ADHD: An Evidence-Based Guide to Assessment and Treatment. Elsevier, 页码 119-149 31 页码科研成果: 图书/报告稿件的类型 › 章节
5 引用 (Scopus) -
Healthy vending contracts: Do localized policy approaches improve the nutrition environment in publicly funded recreation and sport facilities?
Lane, C., Naylor, P. J., Tomlin, D., Kirk, S., Hanning, R., Masse, L., Olstad, D. L., Prowse, R., Caswell, S., Jarvis, S., Milford, T. & Raine, K., 12月 2019, 在: Preventive Medicine Reports. 16, 100967.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问15 引用 (Scopus) -
Hearing loss
Lee, J. W. & Bance, M. L., 2月 1 2019, 在: Practical Neurology. 19, 1, 页码 28-35 8 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Heat: An Overlooked Tool in the Practicing Hydrogeologist's Toolbox
Kurylyk, B. L. & Irvine, D. J., 7月 1 2019, 在: Ground Water. 57, 4, 页码 517-524 8 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Heat capacities of potential organic phase change materials
Noël, J. A. & White, M. A., 1月 2019, 在: Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics. 128, 页码 127-133 7 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Heat Shock Proteins in the “Hot” Mitochondrion: Identity and Putative Roles
Nasr, M. A., Dovbeshko, G. I., Bearne, S. L., El-Badri, N. & Matta, C. F., 9月 2019, 在: BioEssays. 41, 9, 1900055.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
17 引用 (Scopus) -
Heparanase protects the heart against chemical or ischemia/reperfusion injury
Wang, F., Pulinilkunnil, T., Flibotte, S., Nislow, C., Vlodavsky, I., Hussein, B. & Rodrigues, B., 6月 2019, 在: Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. 131, 页码 29-40 12 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Hepatic enhancement differences when dosing iodinated contrast media according to total versus lean body weight
Peet, K., Clarke, S. E. & Costa, A. F., 7月 1 2019, 在: Acta Radiologica. 60, 7, 页码 807-814 8 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
7 引用 (Scopus) -
Herbal medications for anxiety, depression, pain, nausea and vomiting related to preoperative surgical patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Arruda, A. P. N., Zhang, Y., Gomaa, H., Bergamaschi, C. D. C., Guimaraes, C. C., Righesso, L. A. R., Paglia, M. D. G., Barberato-Filho, S., Lopes, L. C., Ayala Melendez, A. P., De Oliveira, L. D., Paula-Ramos, L., Johnston, B. & El Dib, R., 5月 1 2019, 在: BMJ Open. 9, 5, e023729.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文献综述 › 同行评审
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Herbal tea for the management of pharyngitis: Inhibition of streptococcus pyogenes growth and biofilm formation by herbal infusions
Wijesundara, N. M. & Vasantha Rupasinghe, H. P., 9月 2019, 在: Biomedicines. 7, 3, 页码 1-19 19 页码, 63.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问9 引用 (Scopus) -
Heterogeneous sulfate aerosol formation mechanisms during wintertime Chinese haze events: Air quality model assessment using observations of sulfate oxygen isotopes in Beijing
Shao, J., Chen, Q., Wang, Y., Lu, X., He, P., Sun, Y., Shah, V., Martin, R., Philip, S., Song, S., Zhao, Y., Xie, Z., Zhang, L. & Alexander, B., 5月 8 2019, 在: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 19, 9, 页码 6107-6123 17 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Heterozygous Variants in KMT2E Cause a Spectrum of Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Epilepsy
Deciphering Developmental Disorders (DDD) Study, 6月 6 2019, 在: American Journal of Human Genetics. 104, 6, 页码 1210-1222 13 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问52 引用 (Scopus) -
Hexagonal and monoclinic NaNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2 (Na-NCA) for sodium ion batteries
Zheng, L., Fielden, R., Bennett, J. C. & Obrovac, M. N., 9月 1 2019, 在: Journal of Power Sources. 433, 226698.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Hidden-Markov-Model-Based Asynchronous Filter Design of Nonlinear Markov Jump Systems in Continuous-Time Domain
Dong, S., Wu, Z. G., Pan, Y. J., Su, H. & Liu, Y., 6月 2019, 在: IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. 49, 6, 页码 2294-2304 11 页码, 8353459.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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High continuous positive airway pressure in neonates: A physiological study
Mukerji, A., Wahab, M. G. A., Mitra, S., Mondal, T., Paterson, D., Beck, J. & Fusch, C., 7月 2019, 在: Pediatric Pulmonology. 54, 7, 页码 1039-1044 6 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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High-dimensional optimization in adaptive random subspaces
Lacotte, J., Pilanci, M. & Pavone, M., 2019, 在: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 32科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 会议文章 › 同行评审
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Higher periprosthetic fracture rate associated with use of modern uncemented stems compared to cemented stems in femoral neck fractures
Song, J. S. A., Dillman, D., Wilson, D., Dunbar, M. & Richardson, G., 3月 1 2019, 在: HIP International. 29, 2, 页码 177-183 7 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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High-frequency variability of CO2 in Grand Passage, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia
Horwitz, R. M., Hay, A. E., Burt, W. J., Cheel, R. A., Salisbury, J. & Thomas, H., 2月 1 2019, 在: Biogeosciences. 16, 2, 页码 605-616 12 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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High prevalence of abnormal menstruation among women living with HIV in Canada
CHIWOS Research Team, 12月 1 2019, 在: PLoS ONE. 14, 12, e0226992.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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High-resolution characterization of the abiotic environment and disturbance regimes on the Great Barrier Reef, 1985–2017
Matthews, S. A., Mellin, C., MacNeil, A., Heron, S. F., Skirving, W., Puotinen, M., Devlin, M. J. & Pratchett, M., 2月 1 2019, 在: Ecology. 100, 2, e02574.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 评论/辩论 › 同行评审
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High-Resolution Mapping of Nitrogen Dioxide With TROPOMI: First Results and Validation Over the Canadian Oil Sands
Griffin, D., Zhao, X., McLinden, C. A., Boersma, F., Bourassa, A., Dammers, E., Degenstein, D., Eskes, H., Fehr, L., Fioletov, V., Hayden, K., Kharol, S. K., Li, S. M., Makar, P., Martin, R. V., Mihele, C., Mittermeier, R. L., Krotkov, N., Sneep, M. & Lamsal, L. N. 以及 4其他, , 1月 28 2019, 在: Geophysical Research Letters. 46, 2, 页码 1049-1060 12 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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High risk of metabolic syndrome after delivery in pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes
Yu, Z., 4月 2019, 在: Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 150, 页码 219-226 8 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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High Surface Area Mesoporous Silicon Nanoparticles Prepared via Two-Step Magnesiothermic Reduction for Stoichiometric CO2 to CH3OH Conversion
Martell, S. A., Lai, Y., Traver, E., MacInnis, J., Richards, D. D., MacQuarrie, S. & Dasog, M., 9月 27 2019, 在: ACS Applied Nano Materials. 2, 9, 页码 5713-5719 7 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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High-throughput chemical screening identifies focal adhesion Kinase and Aurora Kinase B inhibition as a synergistic treatment combination in ewing sarcoma
Wang, S., Hwang, E. E., Guha, R., O'Neill, A. F., Melong, N., Veinotte, C. J., Saur, A. C., Wuerthele, K., Shen, M., McKnight, C., Alexe, G., Lemieux, M. E., Wang, A., Hughes, E., Xu, X., Boxer, M. B., Hall, M. D., Kung, A., Berman, J. N. & Davis, M. I. 以及 2其他, , 2019, 在: Clinical Cancer Research. 25, 14, 页码 4552-4566 15 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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High-throughput screen reveals sRNAs regulating crRNA biogenesis by targeting CRISPR leader to repress Rho termination
Lin, P., Pu, Q., Wu, Q., Zhou, C., Wang, B., Schettler, J., Wang, Z., Qin, S., Gao, P., Li, R., Li, G., Cheng, Z., Lan, L., Jiang, J. & Wu, M., 12月 1 2019, 在: Nature Communications. 10, 1, 3728.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问27 引用 (Scopus) -
Hindering rollover failure of Li[Ni0.5Mn0.3Co0.2]O2/Graphite pouch cells during long-term cycling
Ma, X., Harlow, J. E., Li, J., Ma, L., Hall, D. S., Buteau, S., Genovese, M., Cormier, M. & Dahn, J. R., 2019, 在: Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 166, 4, 页码 A711-A724科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问96 引用 (Scopus) -
Hip Arthroscopy for Femoral Acetabular Impingement: A Bird's-Eye/En Face Perspective With Ultrasound Guidance and 3-Dimensional Hip Printing
Ali, M. I., Ravipati, A. P. T. & Wong, I., 11月 2019, 在: Arthroscopy Techniques. 8, 11, 页码 e1301-e1307科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问3 引用 (Scopus) -
Hollow-core photonic crystal fibers filled with noble gases: He, Ne, Ar, kr, xe
Khosravi, R., Hajati, M., Kacerovska, B., Ma, P., Liang, C. & Monfared, Y. E., 5月 2019, 2019 Photonics North, PN 2019. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 8819515. (2019 Photonics North, PN 2019).科研成果: 图书/报告稿件的类型 › 会议稿件
Holocene water mass changes in the Labrador Current
Lochte, A. A., Repschläger, J., Seidenkrantz, M. S., Kienast, M., Blanz, T. & Schneider, R. R., 4月 1 2019, 在: Holocene. 29, 4, 页码 676-690 15 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Home mechanical ventilation for patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Canadian Thoracic Society clinical practice guideline
Rimmer, K. P., Kaminska, M., Nonoyama, M., Giannouli, E., Maltais, F., Morrison, D. L., O’Connell, C., Petrof, B. J. & McKim, D. A., 1月 2 2019, 在: Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine. 3, 1, 页码 9-27 19 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Hot formation for improved low temperature cycling of anode-free lithium metal batteries
Genovese, M., Louli, A. J., Weber, R., Martin, C., Taskovic, T. & Dahn, J. R., 2019, 在: Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 166, 14, 页码 A3342-A3347科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问88 引用 (Scopus) -
How attention networks can inform research in information systems
Conrad, C. & Newman, A., 2019, Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation. Springer Heidelberg, 页码 155-162 8 页码 (Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation; 卷 29).科研成果: 图书/报告稿件的类型 › 章节
How can the World Stroke Organization (WSO) optimize education in stroke medicine around the world? Report of the 2018 WSO Global Stroke Stakeholder Workshop
Gubitz, G., Saini, M., Belson, S., Sahathevan, R. & Sandercock, P., 10月 1 2019, 在: International Journal of Stroke. 14, 8, 页码 803-805 3 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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How can transition to adult care be best orchestrated for adolescents with epilepsy?
4月 2019, 在: Epilepsy and Behavior. 93, 页码 138-147 10 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文献综述 › 同行评审
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How does spatial attention influence the probability and fidelity of colour perception?
Hurst, A. J., Lawrence, M. A. & Klein, R. M., 6月 2019, 在: Vision (Switzerland). 3, 2, 31.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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How do i rule out aortic dissection?
Ohle, R., McIsaac, S. & Atkinson, P., 1月 1 2019, 在: Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 21, 1, 页码 34-36 3 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 评论/辩论 › 同行评审
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How do neighbourhood definitions influence the associations between built environment and physical activity?
Mavoa, S., Bagheri, N., Koohsari, M. J., Kaczynski, A. T., Lamb, K. E., Oka, K., O’sullivan, D. & Witten, K., 5月 1 2019, 在: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16, 9, 1501.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问52 引用 (Scopus) -
How Do Postgenomic Innovations Emerge? Building Legitimacy by Proteomics Standards and Informing the Next-Generation Technology Policy
McDonald, F., Holmes, C., Jones, M. & Graham, J. E., 8月 2019, 在: OMICS A Journal of Integrative Biology. 23, 8, 页码 406-415 10 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
1 引用 (Scopus) -
How do we evaluate the cost of nosocomial infection? The ECONI protocol: An incidence study with nested case-control evaluating cost and quality of life
Stewart, S., Robertson, C., Manoukian, S., Haahr, L., Mason, H., Mcfarland, A., Dancer, S., Cook, B., Reilly, J. & Graves, N., 6月 1 2019, 在: BMJ Open. 9, 6, e026687.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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How effective are social influence strategies in persuasive apps for promoting physical activity? A systematic review
Almutari, N. & Orji, R., 6月 6 2019, ACM UMAP 2019 Adjunct - Adjunct Publication of the 27th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization. Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, 页码 167-172 6 页码 (ACM UMAP 2019 Adjunct - Adjunct Publication of the 27th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization).科研成果: 图书/报告稿件的类型 › 会议稿件
26 引用 (Scopus) -
How microbes “jeopardize” the modern synthesis
Novick, A. & Doolittle, W. F., 5月 2019, 在: PLoS Genetics. 15, 5, e1008166.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 社论 › 同行评审
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How Schools Enhance the Development of Young People’s Resilience
Ungar, M., Connelly, G., Liebenberg, L. & Theron, L., 9月 1 2019, 在: Social Indicators Research. 145, 2, 页码 615-627 13 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
77 引用 (Scopus) -
How significant is inheritance when dating rockslide boulders with terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide dating?—a case study of an historic event
Hilger, P., Gosse, J. C. & Hermanns, R. L., 4月 1 2019, 在: Landslides. 16, 4, 页码 729-738 10 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
22 引用 (Scopus) -
How the Wide Awake Tourniquet-Free Approach Is Changing Hand Surgery in Most Countries of the World
Lalonde, D. H. & Tang, J. B., 2月 2019, 在: Hand Clinics. 35, 1, 页码 xiii-xiv科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 社论 › 同行评审
24 引用 (Scopus) -
How to design a dose-finding study using the continual reassessment method
Wheeler, G. M., Mander, A. P., Bedding, A., Brock, K., Cornelius, V., Grieve, A. P., Jaki, T., Love, S. B., Odondi, L., Weir, C. J., Yap, C. & Bond, S. J., 1月 18 2019, 在: BMC Medical Research Methodology. 19, 1, 18.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
开放访问62 引用 (Scopus) -
How to knot bury and not break the suture: the 3-1-bury-1 knot
Deveau, A. P., Seamone, M. E., Lewis, D. R. & Gupta, R. R., 12月 2019, 在: Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology. 54, 6, 页码 e311-e313科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 快报 › 同行评审
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How to recognize stent graft infection after endovascular aortic repair: the utility of 18F-FDG PET/CT in an infrequent but serious clinical setting
8月 1 2019, 在: Annals of Nuclear Medicine. 33, 8, 页码 594-605 12 页码科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
14 引用 (Scopus) -
Hsp70 knockdown reduced the tolerance of Litopenaeus vannamei post larvae to low pH and salinity
MacRae, T. H., 10月 15 2019, 在: Aquaculture. 512, 734346.科研成果: 期刊稿件 › 文章 › 同行评审
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Human Capital
Goldin, C., 1月 1 2019, Handbook of Cliometrics, Second Edition. Springer International Publishing, 页码 147-177 31 页码科研成果: 图书/报告稿件的类型 › 章节
12 引用 (Scopus)