新闻 / 媒体
- 202 个结果中的 150 - 175 个
Whales can learn about danger and can warn each other, according to a study of how they dodged whaling ships in the 19th century
1 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research
What sailing the Sackville Spur can tell us about biodiversity — and the offshore oil project that could threaten it
1 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research
Whale mail? Canada Post reveals stamps to spotlight endangered species 0
5/16/22 → 5/17/22
11 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research
Halifax doctor strives to improve hospital care, supports for patients with addiction
1 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research
Sperm whales learned how to dodge harpoons and taught others the skills
1 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research
Sperm Whales Learned to Avoid Whaling Ships in the 1800s -- and Shared the Knowledge
1 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research
Sperm whales, humans more alike than you might think: Dalhousie researcher
1 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research
Sperm whales live in clan systems similar to early humans, Dalhousie study says
1 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research
Culture shock: how loss of animals’ shared knowledge threatens their survival
8 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research
Sperm Whales Learned to Attack Whalers, Ramming Boats With Their Heads
1 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research
Research from N.S. prof suggests sperm whales taught each other how to avoid whalers
3/17/21 → 3/18/21
2 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research
Ready to Click: Meet the social influencers of the animal kingdom
1 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research
Report Summarizes Respiratory Syncytial Viruses Study Findings from Dalhousie University (Leveraging Influenza Virus Surveillance From 2012 To 2015 To Characterize the Burden of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Disease In Canadian Adults & Ge;50 ...)
Jason J., L., Scott A., H., Donna, M.-C., Todd F., H., Lingyun, Y., Joanne M., L., May S., E. & Duncan, W.
1 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research
Investing in the advancement of health research
Patrick J., M., Rita, O., Rudolf, U., Sherry Heather, S., Alice, A., Jill, C., Janet A., C., Alexa L., B., Patrick John, M., Penny Violet, C. & Duncan, W.
1 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research
A New Place To Generate Power And Conserve Water. That Story And Other Headlines For March 30, 2021
1 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research
Sperm whales taught each other how to avoid hunters' harpoons 200 years ago, according to new study
5 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research