Nejman, D., Livyatan, I., Fuks, G., Gavert, N., Zwang, Y., Geller, L. T., Rotter-Maskowitz, A., Weiser, R., Mallel, G., Gigi, E., Meltser, A., Douglas, G. M., Kamer, I., Gopalakrishnan, V., Dadosh, T., Levin-Zaidman, S., Avnet, S., Atlan, T., Cooper, Z. A., ... Straussman, R. (2020). The human tumor microbiome is composed of tumor type-specific intracellular bacteria. Science, 368(6494), 973-980.
Nejman, D, Livyatan, I, Fuks, G, Gavert, N, Zwang, Y, Geller, LT, Rotter-Maskowitz, A, Weiser, R, Mallel, G, Gigi, E, Meltser, A, Douglas, GM, Kamer, I, Gopalakrishnan, V, Dadosh, T, Levin-Zaidman, S, Avnet, S, Atlan, T, Cooper, ZA, Arora, R, Cogdill, AP, Khan, MAW, Ologun, G, Bussi, Y, Weinberger, A, Lotan-Pompan, M, Golani, O, Perry, G, Rokah, M, Bahar-Shany, K, Rozeman, EA, Blank, CU, Ronai, A, Shaoul, R, Amit, A, Dorfman, T, Kremer, R, Cohen, ZR, Harnof, S, Siegal, T, Yehuda-Shnaidman, E, Gal-Yam, EN, Shapira, H, Baldini, N, Langille, MGI, Ben-Nun, A, Kaufman, B, Nissan, A, Golan, T, Dadiani, M, Levanon, K, Bar, J, Yust, SK, Barshack, I, Peeper, DS, Raz, DJ, Segal, E, Wargo, JA, Sandbank, J, Shental, N & Straussman, R 2020, 'The human tumor microbiome is composed of tumor type-specific intracellular bacteria', Science, 卷 368, 号码 6494, 页码 973-980.