title = "Surviving historical Patagonian landscapes and climate: Molecular insights from Galaxias maculatus",
author = "Zemlak, {Tyler S.} and Habit, {Evelyn M.} and Walde, {Sandra J.} and Cecilia Carrea and Ruzzante, {Daniel E.}",
note = "Funding Information: We thank the Committee for Research and Exploration of the National Geographic Society, Washington, for generous support for fieldwork in 2001 (NGS 6799-00) and 2007 (NGS 8168-07). NSERC Discovery grants and a Special Research Opportunities award (SROPJ/326493-06) as well as a CONICET grant (PIP 6551) and Universidad de Concepci{\'o}n (DIUC-Patagonia 205.310.042-ISP) and FONDECYT (N° 1080082) grants are gratefully acknowledged. We also acknowledge an NSF-PIRE award (OISE 0530267) for support of collaborative research on Patagonian Biodiversity granted to the following institutions (listed alphabetically): Brigham Young University, Centro Nacional Patag{\'o}nico (AR), Dalhousie University, Instituto Bot{\'a}nico Darwinion (AR), Universidad Austral de Chile, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Universidad de Concepci{\'o}n, and University of Nebraska. A Roger Sant Foundation grant (BYU) is also acknowledged for support for some of the fieldwork in Chile. We also greatly appreciate the awards from NSERC and the Killam Memorial Trust held by TSZ. We also thank Patricio Macchi, Marcelo Alonso, Miguel Battini, Juan Barriga, Carlos Luiz{\'o}n, V{\'i}ctor Cussac, Juan Jos{\'e} Ortiz, and Jorge Gonzalez for assistance with sample collection and Jos{\'e} Pepe De Giusto, Mauricio Uguccione and Waldo SanMart{\'i}n for logistical support. We also thank Jennifer Strang from the GIS centre at the Dalhousie Killam Library for assistance with Figures 2 and 6.",
year = "2010",
doi = "10.1186/1471-2148-10-67",
language = "English",
volume = "10",
journal = "BMC Evolutionary Biology",
issn = "1471-2148",
publisher = "BioMed Central",
number = "1",