title = "Nonbreeding season movements of a migratory songbird are related to declines in resource availability",
author = "Knight, {Samantha M.} and Gow, {Elizabeth A.} and Bradley, {David W.} and Clark, {Robert G.} and Marc B{\'e}lisle and Berzins, {Lisha L.} and Tricia Blake and Bridge, {Eli S.} and Lauren Burke and Dawson, {Russell D.} and Dunn, {Peter O.} and Dany Garant and Holroyd, {Geoffrey L.} and Hussell, {David J.T.} and Olga Lansdorp and Laughlin, {Andrew J.} and Leonard, {Marty L.} and Fanie Pelletier and Dave Shutler and Lynn Siefferman and Taylor, {Caz M.} and Trefry, {Helen E.} and Vleck, {Carol M.} and David Vleck and Whittingham, {Linda A.} and Winkler, {David W.} and {Ryan Norris}, D.",
note = "Funding Information: We thank the numerous field assistants, graduate students, undergraduate students, and volunteers who assisted with fieldwork at all 12 breeding sites used in this study. We also thank Neil Paprocki and 5 anonymous reviewers for helpful comments that improved this manuscript. Funding statement: Funding for the study was provided by Leaders Opportunity Fund Grants from the Canadian Foundationfor Innovation (D.R.N., R.D.D.), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grants (D.R.N., R.G.C., R.D.D., M.B., D.G., F.P., M.L.L.), NSERC Research Tools and Instruments Grant (D.R.N., M.B., R.D.D., D.G., M.L.L., F.P., D.S.), NSERC Industrial Research and Development Fellowship (D.W.B.), NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (L.L.B), NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship (E.A.G.), NSERC Canada Research Chairs Program (M.B., F.P.), University of Guelph (D.R.N.), Environment and Climate Change Canada (R.G.C., O.L.), Bird Studies Canada (D.W.B., D.J.T.H.), University of Northern British Columbia (R.D.D.), British Columbia Knowledge Development Fund (R.D.D.), Skaggs Foundation (T.B.), National Science Foundation Grant DEB-0933602 (C.M.T.), National Science Foundation Grant IOS-0745156 (C.M.V., D.V.), Fonds de Recherche du Qu{\'e}bec—Nature et Technologies (M.B., D.G., F.P.), James S. McDonnell Foundation (C.M.T.), Alberta Conservation Association (G.L.H, H.E.T.), TD Friends of the Environment (G.L.H., H.E.T.), Shell Environmental Fund (G.L.H, H.E.T.), and Nature Canada{\textquoteright}s Charles Labatiuk Nature Endowment Fund (G.L.H, H.E.T.). The development and analysis of some of the geolocators were supported by the National Science Foundation grants nos. IDBR 1152356 and DEB 0946685 (E.S.B.), and IDBR 1152131 (D.W.W.). None of our funders had any influence on the content of the submitted or published manuscript and none of our funders require approval of the final manuscript to be published. Publisher Copyright: {\textcopyright} 2019 American Ornithological Society. All rights reserved.",
year = "2019",
month = jul,
day = "23",
doi = "10.1093/auk/ukz028",
language = "English",
volume = "136",
journal = "Auk",
issn = "0004-8038",
publisher = "Ornithological Societies of North America",
number = "3",