根据储存在 Pure 的刊物以及来自 Scopus 的引用文献数量计算
根据储存在 Pure 的刊物以及来自 Scopus 的引用文献数量计算
根据储存在 Pure 的刊物以及来自 Scopus 的引用文献数量计算




Dr. Helen Keenan is an analytical chemist, with expertise in the determination, monitoring and modeling of persistant environmental pollutants (POPs). This includes pollutants that are endocrine disruptors, such as bisphenol A (BPA) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's). She was appointed as an academic lecturer within the DLCS in 2008, following on from her role as Laboratory Manager.

Dr. Keenan was awarded her PhD from the University of Strathclyde in 2001 for research on oestrogen fate during water treatment. She is currently Director of the MRes programme within the department and teaches at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She co-leads the Environmental Pollution and Health Effects Group with Dr. Christine Davidson in the Department of Chemistry and has other collaboration projects with Naval Architecture-Marine Engineering, the University Marine Station at Millport and two Strathclyde links projects. She supervises 5 full time PhD students, 2 part time PhD students and is external co-supervisor of 2 other PhD students.

In 2007, Dr. Keenan was invited to join the United Nations GESAMP (Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection) and currently serves as Chair of Working Group 37, dealing with mercury and its compounds.


2015 年,联合国成员国同意 17 项可持续发展目标 (SDG),以消除贫困、保护地球并确保全人类的繁荣。此人的工作有助于实现下列可持续发展目标:

  • 可持续发展目标 3 - 良好健康与福祉
  • 可持续发展目标 6 - 清洁饮水和卫生设施
  • 可持续发展目标 9 - 产业、创新和基础设施
  • 可持续发展目标 11 - 可持续城市和社区
  • 可持续发展目标 12 - 负责任消费和生产
  • 可持续发展目标 14 - 水下生物


深入其中 Helen Keenan 为活跃的研究主题。这些主题标签来自此人的成果。它们共同形成唯一的指纹。
  • 1 相似简介