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- 96 个结果中的 75 - 96 个
Government of Canada invests in research through CIHR Project Grant program
Sherry Heather, S., Jill A., H., Jon, D., Janet A., C. & Isabel M., S.
1 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research
Community effort: Highlights from a year in research and innovation
Françoise, B., Graham A., G., Rita, O., Jeff, D., Sherry Heather, S., Alice, A., Mita, D., Michael, U. & Jeff R., D.
1 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research
York U leads team to establish $5.45-million national mental health training platform focused on diversity
Patrick J., M., Lori, W., Rita, O. & Patrick John, M.
1 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research
China Tells Last Indian Journalist in Nation to Leave This Month
1 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research
The world is going to open up again: Are you ready?
Patrick J., M. & Patrick John, M.
1 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research
Findings from Dalhousie University Reveals New Findings on Substance Abuse (A Multiple Baseline Trial of Adapted Prolonged Exposure Psychotherapy for Individuals With Early Phase Psychosis, Comorbid Substance Misuse, and a History of Adversity: ...)
Philip G., T., Joel Michael, T., Candice E., C. & Sabina, A.
1 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research
York University Leads Team to Establish $5.45M National Mental Health Training Platform Focused on Diversity
Patrick J., M., Lori, W., Rita, O. & Patrick John, M.
1 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research
US Scientists Slam K12 De-emphasis on Mathematics – Watts Up With That?
1 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research
Battery Day: Why Tesla’s single crystal cathode is important
Jeff, D., Jing, L. & Jeff R., D.
1 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research
Centre for Pediatric Pain Research Reports Findings in Clinical Trial Research (Impact of parent-targeted eHealth educational interventions on infant procedural pain management: a systematic review)
Patrick J., M., Marsha L., C.-Y., Patrick John, M. & Justine S., D.
1 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research
Investing in the advancement of health research
Patrick J., M., Rita, O., Rudolf, U., Sherry Heather, S., Alice, A., Jill, C., Janet A., C., Alexa L., B., Patrick John, M., Penny Violet, C. & Duncan, W.
1 项目 媒体报道
新闻 / 媒体: !!!Research